Guide for Small Business Celine

The youll use. These channels could be online such as via email marketing social media marketing or content marketing. You could also choose offline channels like print ads posters flyers radio ads or event marketing. For a thorough list of marketing channels to include in your marketing and campaign management plan look through the following guides Best Small Business Marketing Strategies for Celine CX Roque Jun What Is Online Marketing Intro  CX Roque May BudgetFriendly Marketing Ideas For Your New Small Business Julia Melymbrose.

May Pick the Right Metrics

You need to pick metrics that match your goals. For example if your goal is to increase sales you can choose the following metrics to help you Tunisia WhatsApp Number List keep track of that number of online sales number of new customer registrations number of returning customers and the percentage of customers that decide to buy multiple products. On the other hand if your goal is to become a more wellknown brand in your city you can measure the increase in the number of Facebook followers youve got from your city the reach of your social media posts or the number of new customer referrals you get from existing customers.

For offline marketing channels

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Such as flyers and print ads you can use coupon codes to keep track of the sales and leads you get through your campaign. On your print India Email List materials you can also include the address of a squeeze page for your leads to visit online so that its easier to track them. If youll be managing a digital marketing campaign here are some guides to metrics that could be useful for you What Is Business Intelligence Andrew Blackman Nov How to Track Your Social Media ROI Get Better Results Brenda Barron Oct Content Marketing Metrics How to Measure Your ROI Andrew Blackman.

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