How your website is stor on

The carbon Google is one of the few carbon-neutral companies and strives to achieve no carbon emissions by 2020. your website falls into three main categories: data storage, the server for any visitor to access, data transmission, the retrieval and sending of data by a visitor loading your website, the processing power your computer loads, and the page elements. The energy us is bas on the data that the test web pages generate an average of grams of CO2 per page view. A website generating page views per month is equivalent to emitting kilograms of CO2 per year. Calculate your website’s carbon footprint If you want to see the exact carbon footprint of your website there is a free carbon calculator.

The calculator will show you

The exact amount of carbon generat every time someone visits your website which equates to more than 100 monthly page views for the year and whether your hosting is power by renewable energy. The carbon footprint calculator also breaks down how much energy is ne and how many trees ne to Croatia Mobile Database be plant to offset the carbon produc. Carbon Neutral vs Carbon Free Before we dive into what you can do to offset your carbon footprint we ne to explain the difference between carbon neutral and carbon free.

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Carbon neutral means assessing

Offsetting your carbon footprint through various means, the most common of which is planting trees. And carbon-free essentially means not producing any carbon emissions and using carbon-free energy. If you’ve never consider your website’s carbon footprint before, it can be hard to imagine where to start. Luckily we’ve put together a guide to help you optimize your website for search engines and the planet. How to Wuhan Mobile Phone Number List Ruce Your Website’s Carbon Footprint There are many ways to ruce your website’s carbon footprint, some of which you may already be doing especially if you have invest in services.


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