The report confirms a lot of

There has been a huge drop in the number of highly reputable.authoritative.Trustworthy sites run by experienc people. This is especially interesting considering Google’s emphasis on expertise.authority.and cribility. Publish a qualitative analysis of the actual pages affect by the latest algorithm update.  We already know that content quality matters.but it also gives us some background information on what has chang in the latest algorithm update. In short.Google has begun to pay more attention to how the content display on the website is align with the search intent. For example.the site at was one of the sites that suffer the most. The site’s skin cancer screening page previously rank for skin cancer detection.generating an estimat  search per month for the term and  organic session per month for the top tier.according to.

However after the monthly update

The American Academy of Osteopathic Dermatology’s page on skin cancer detection surpass the page rankings of . Although the page’s total keyword ranking for the month was only .after the update.its total keyword ranking soar to . Why? All criteria seem to be met. the report from Google explains.the Belgium Mobile Database main problem with pages is that their content doesn’t actually match the search intent of the query. Instead of providing information on what skin cancer looks like or how to recognize it like the new top-ranking page.the page describes different tests and methods. Its content.however professional.authoritative and trustworthy it may be.does not actually include the information people are searching for.

Cell Phone Number List

Our content marketing and SEO experts

see similar themes across the board. With the visibility of many sites and pages’s becoming increasingly apparent that the loss or drop in keyword rankings is relat to keywords that aren’t really relevant to search intent. This begs the question: Should this content rank  for this query in the first place? In the past.when consulting small businesses or new websites.we had a pessimistic outlook on these companies’ ability to compete Wuhan Mobile Phone Number List with the big brands that dominate Google’s homepage.and on very competitive terms. Recently.however.we’ve seen Google working to address these issues. Just because you’re a big brand or a big website doesn’t mean you deserve a first page ranking.


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