Make sure your refill reminders aren

The your product or letting them know your support team is available to help out when ne. Prominent examples of postpurchase emails often include buy recommendations personaliz discounts and special bundle deals tailor to the nes of each customer. Fullscript for example reminds its customers to restock their prescriptions just when theyre about to run out. Other nonessential items are recommend too even if its no longer part of a customers prescription. Source Replenishment emails should be timely.  too early or late enough to cause panic. Similar automat email examples such as subscription renewal reminders when a free trial is about to end or important usage guidelines like an expiration date will be equally wellreceiv.

Product Recommendation Emails

To send hypertarget product recommendation emails youve got to know your subscribers interests. Take advantage of website visitor tracking Denmark WhatsApp Number List to create automat emails bas on wellinform customer profiles. For example when a subscriber regularly visits a page for a specific product category you follow up with a target email promoting what you know they already like. Here are some tips to convert customers with a product followup email Personalize product recommendations bas on page visits and shopping history Include a promo code to encourage repeat visits Share helpful information addressing common questions about your product or service.

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About your customers interests and buying habits. Netflixs viewing recommendations are an example of product followups done right. In its emails Cambodia Whatsapp Number List Netflix makes personaliz content recommendations bas on watch history and overall popularity among segment audience groups. The banner images and thumbnails us in each email go through vigorous AB testing to maximize clickthrough rates. And its subscribers see two CTAs compelling them to start watching or add new content to their watchlist. Source Product recommendation emails work well when youve reach out to a potential customer while their purchase intent is at.

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