Intent Based Marketing: How to Target the Right Leads

Timing is everything, especially in B2B marketing.

And, to get the best quality leads at the right time, you must take an intent based marketing approach.

If you look at the anatomy of a sale, you’ll find two key components — a connection and an action. You need one to create the other, but your chances of getting the desired action diminish greatly if you don’t make the right connection in the first place.

It’s a domino effect: the more targeted you Estonia Phone Numbers approach a lead, the higher the probability they’ll take action, and the greater your chance of a successful sale.

But how do you find these higher-quality leads? And what makes them higher quality?

What is intent based marketing?

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Intent based marketing is a strategy that uses customer signals to create tailored buying experiences. You can use to help identify and monitor potential customers’ intent and interests.

For instance, if someone’s searching online for “best running shoes for marathons,” it’s pretty clear they’re not a novice runner, and they’re at the Australia Phone Number List researching stage.

Now, imagine you had someone else searching for “best deals for light jogging shoes”; they’re probably a novice runner and are more primed to buy right now.

The intent differs for what they’re looking for and the information they need. So, if you had a sports equipment website, you’d serve two pieces of content to these audiences, even though they’re both looking for running shoes.

Think of Intent based marketing as a B2B company’s digital psychic. It senses what potential customers think, even before they know it themselves. It helps you understand their desires and needs to craft your and align with those signals.

You’re not just guessing; you’re surfing through the data to catch the perfect wave of opportunity.

Why is intent based marketing important?

When you get a pretty good idea of what a potential customer plans to do, you can tailor your communications to be more relevant and useful. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of a lead becoming a sale.

And intent based marketing is all about tailoring your strategies to match intended actions. Here are four benefits to intent based digital marketing:

  1. Better ICP targets –  you can match intent data signals to criteria to ensure accurate . Criteria include revenue, size, background, geography, industry, and technology usage.
  2. Advertisers can target audiences ready to buy – ad budgets go further when targeting users searching for a similar solution. This practice saves businesses money and boosts ROI.
  3. Display targeted ads to users who read related articles – programmatic advertising platforms allow marketers to display personalised ads based on users’ browsing behaviour.
  4. Combine intent marketing with ABM for higher revenue – marketers can use data-processing tools to personalise follow-ups and answer prospect’s research questions for more conversions.

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